Annual General Meeting 2023
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Thornton Rose RDA will take place at 8 pm on
Monday 2 nd October 2023 on Zoom. All members and their families are welcome to
attend or send in their proxy votes via the voting link below.
We ask you to cast your vote below whether you are attending or not.
Please let Mags Gallagher (Secretary) know if you would like other matters discussed
at the AGM or Trustees Meetings.
1 Welcome to Members (Kay)
2 Attendance and Apologies (Mags)
3 Minute of the last AGM, Monday 3 rd October 2022 (Mags)
4 Chair’s Report for 2022/23 (Kay)
5 Treasurer’s Report (Carol)
The Treasurer’s report / annual accounts will be available online via the links at the bottom
of the page. The accounts are audited and will be submitted to OSCR for the financial year
February 2022 to February 2023.
6 Election of Trustees (Kay)
We thank all our Trustees for their service during what has been again a very difficult year.
Our charity’s rules over the election of Trustees are contained in our constitution. All
Trustees step down at the AGM and seven are appointed by the members. At the moment
we have nine existing Trustees, two of whom will stand down. The remaining seven have
been nominated and agree to stand for election for another year. Once formed the new
Board may appoint up to four additional Trustees.
Resolution 2021.1 proposed by Becca Maitland and seconded by Fiona Buchanan: We
the members of Thornton Rose RDA, SCIO SC028617, resolve to re-elect the Trustees
Kay McBride, Mags Gallagher, Carol Perry, Fiona Buchanan, Charlotte Smyth, Becca
Maitland and Helena Wood.
9 Close of meeting (Kay)